There is blood on our hands again

(From the song 'Blood on our Hands' by Death From Above 1979).

What I'm clumsily trying to say is that here's a blog what I made whilst I should've been doing something better and that if you're reading it then you should be doing something better too. Also, the fact that you and I have the time and resources to respectively make and read this gumpf is why the World is so screwed.

18 June 2005

There's always someone as horny as you are ugly.

Nine days till Scrubs.

Reading the Maddox website again... got "There's always someone as horny as you are ugly" from an article of his about fat women who wear midriff revealing tops and think that it's justified if it help them "get laid". This website rocks so much I'm going to put an official link to it in my links list... when I can be bloody well bothered.

Managed to find stuff on the site which is totally offensive though. It's not for the faint hearted or anyone without enough of a sense of humour to laugh about stuff that they hold dear. An example of this is his article - "Christopher Reeve was an asshole". No... not even this is 'too far' for this Maddox guy.

Well I thought it was funny anyway... I firmly believe that there is 'almost' nothing 'too far' when it comes to humour as there is very little that we do that is important anyway. In the grand scheme of things.... but that may be down to my rather cheery way of looking at life right now.

Oh well... it's quarter past three and I think I'm tired...


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